Case Two: The Woman with a Thousand Tongues from He Shang Village"There was a twenty-year-old peasant woman in He Shang Village. She had a fiery temper, spoke ill of others constantly, and loved to gossip. Villagers avoided her out of fear. One day, she suddenly declared that she would kill everyone who usually avoided her. The villagers only thought she was angry and out of control, and no one took her words seriously. The woman became more and more agitated day by day. On the seventh day, she held a kitchen knife and went door-to-door, scaring the entire village so that no one dared to open their door all night.",On the eighth day, villagers discovered a farmer dead beside a dry well. Her tongue had protruded from her mouth, splitting at the tip into two smaller tongues. The tips of these smaller tongues then split again, and so on, creating countless tiny tongues that resembled a fleshy blanket covering her body. It was a terrifying and sickening sight. The coroner's examination revealed that the farmer's tongue had forked into over a thousand small tongues.,Wiping the sweat from his brow, he continued to flip open the third volume of case files.。