Zhou Yi watched them leave and let out a faint sigh. "Tell your boss that as long as they don't set foot in our country, I won't interfere. ~After all, I don't have time for such things.",The old housekeeper thought this, and she became even more displeased with the young mistress. As for the servants, they were originally sent by the second mistress to gather information. Seeing the head butler's anger now, they took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire. Offending the old housekeeper would be enough to make this young mistress suffer for half a pot! Hmph!,The little servant was still chattering with the butler, but suddenly the butler stopped abruptly, his face contorted with terror. The little servant followed the butler's gaze and when he saw the child standing in front of them, his eyes widened in disbelief. Both of them simultaneously flashed a thought.。