Little Hao immediately said, "Hmph, just this little bit of riffraff, there's no need for this king to take action. Come on, let my apprentices entertain you!",And the more sophisticated hiding method was a collaboration between Xiao Chenchen and Xiao Xixixi. Xiao Xixixi held something small in her hand and happily crawled behind Xiao Chenchen, while Xiao Chenchen stood up to open the drawer. Xiao Xixixi passed him the item, which he then put into the drawer. After closing the drawer, the siblings giggled and lay down on the ground, excitedly crawling back to the activity room. When they felt like it, they would take out their treasures and hide them again!,Everyone immediately noticed the difference. The value of this ring was extraordinary, and everyone present knew that. Those who vaguely understood what had happened all realized that it should be a compensation and apology from Old Master Yu to Rong Ling's family, and at the same time, a warning to that clueless family.。